Friday, December 27, 2019

New Boston Dynamics video shows robot running outside autonomously, jumping over obstacles

New Boston Dynamics video shows robot running outside autonomously, jumping over obstaclesNew Boston Dynamics video shows robot running outside autonomously, jumping over obstaclesA recent survey of American parents found that roughly three-quarters were concerneda robot might take their kids job. Well, parents of new grads Be more worried.In the latest video from Boston Dynamics, its Atlas robot is seen running through a field autonomously, navigating the landscape on its own, and even jumping over a log in its way.Its unlike anything youve ever seen - outside of the Terminator movies.Look at this thing goAs Boston Dynamics describes the robot on its siteAtlas is the latest in a line of advanced menschenhnlich robots we are developing. Atlas control system coordinates motions of the arms, torso and legs to achieve whole-body mobile manipulation, greatly expanding its reach and workspace. Atlas ability to balance while performing tasks allows it to work in a large volume while occup ying only a small footprint.The Atlas hardware takes advantage of 3D printing to save weight and space, resulting in a remarkable compact robot with high strength-to-weight ratio and a dramatically large workspace. Stereo vision, range sensing and other sensors give Atlas the ability to manipulate objects in its environment and to travel on rough terrain. Atlas keeps its balance when jostled or pushed and can get up if it tips over.While robots are hardly flawless workers - Elon Musk recently said humans are underrated after robots slowed down production at Tesla - theyre taking on increasingly complicated tasks. South Korea currently leads in robot adoption in the workforce globally. Michigan has the most robots in the United States.Meanwhile, in a separate video, Boston Dynamics SpotMini robot - which is more dog-like - is shown climbing up and down stairs with easeThis ones more Black Mirror than Terminator. But it can leise come for human jobs

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Time Management and the Job Search When Unemployed

Time Management and the Job Search When UnemployedTime Management and the Job Search When UnemployedAdding structure to your job search can be a key component to helping you succeed.When youre unemployed, it can be hard to stay motivated to do productive things. Most of your day should be taken up by your job search - the seemingly endless, often unfulfilling, job search.Experts say that when youre unemployed, looking for work is a full-time job in itself. The upside to being out of work is that you have plenty of time to conduct a proper job search, said Tammy Gooler Loeb, a career and executive coach in the Boston area. The downside is that you have too much time.To fill that time, Loeb suggests a job search schedule that resembles a regular 9-5, Monday-Friday work erfahrung. For example wake up at 7 a.m., make coffee, shower, get dressed and hit the job boards right away. Then spend the whole morning researching companies online, e-mailing and calling people in your network. For lunch, youre entitled to a quick break but make it shorter than a regular lunch break because as an unemployed worker, you no longer have that luxury. The rest of the day be should spent following up on applications youve sent out in the previous week, and crafting an effective communication strategy for the next round of possible job opportunities.It takes a lot of self-discipline to do this because youre basically doing it on your own, without the help of an employer to hold you accountable. And though the routine has the structure of a full-time job, its not something that counts toward your work history. That, Loeb says, can be a problem. Its important to - whenever possible - have something on your resume thats current, she said. Employers dont want to see that youre doing nothing.In order to make sure the top of your resume isnt a position you held up until 2010, Loeb said recommends that unemployed job seekers take on new responsibilities such as volunteer work for charity, consulting for a few small clients in your field or serving on a board of directors. Its always a good idea to show that youre involved with something, Loeb said.The challenge then becomes making time for this new non-paying job, but with the ultimate objective being jump-starting your career, itll be worth it to go that extra mile. Plus, these new non-jobs could be great opportunities to make business connections that could help you get a real one - maybe even open the door to an opportunity that you wouldnt have found in a traditional job search routine.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Over 40 Under 30 How to Fight Age Stereotypes

Over 40 Under 30 How to Fight Age StereotypesHow to Fight Age StereotypesOver 40 Under 30 How to Fight Age StereotypesNo hiring manager would dare admit it, but if they were asked to envision the ideal job candidate, theyd probably picture someone in their 30s (old enough to understand the ways of the workplace, but not so old that theyre set in their ways). Hey, we all have preconceived notions about flighty kids or cranky old folks. But the good news for the under-30s and over-40s is that there arent enough of those so-called ideal candidates to go around.There are also anti-discrimination laws to protect people whove been denied employment based on age, but it can betough to prove. Besides, its not that difficult to get around employers age-based fears and stereotypes in your interviews. Lets explore the unfair assumptions people might have about you, and more importantly, what you can do about themOLDER Worker Stereotypes Poor computer and technology skillsLow energy, old-school thinkingUnable or unwilling to learn new thingsExpect high salariesWont work well with younger colleagues or supervisorsTo Fight These AssumptionsUpdate your resume, especially by adding a Summary of Qualifications and leaving out irrelevant jobs from 10 to 15 (or more) years ago.Talk about technology, recent courses youve completed, and your enthusiasm for learning.Plan some vibrant stories that highlight recent on-the-job accomplishments.Make it clear that you understand current salary trends and have realistic expectations.Give examples of times when youve collaborated effectively with age-diverse teams.YOUNGER Worker StereotypesEasily bored or distractedSense of entitlementNeed for constant affirmation and praiseLikely to be texting or using facebook inc or Twitter during work hoursUnreliable and unmotivatedTo Fight These AssumptionsDress and act in a business-appropriate way.Learn all you can about the organizations mission and goals, and show enthusiasm for helping meet them.I f your work experience is sparse, talk about volunteer work, academics, or athletic achievements to demonstrate things like work ethic, collaboration, and organization.Pay close attention to what the interviewers ask, and ask questions in return to show youre engaged.Keep your iPod and cell phone out of eye- and earshot.We all age at the same rate, and theres little we can do to speed up or slow down the process. But if you know what red flags your age might raise in an employers mind, youll be better able to fight them. Forewarned is forearmed, as the saying goes.Once you show employers that those unfair stereotypes dont apply to you, theyll replace their initial fears with a new sense of respect for the valuable contributions you can bring to their business.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ian Cleary on the Ever-Changing Digital Marketing Landscape

Ian Cleary on the Ever-Changing Digital Marketing LandscapeIan Cleary on the Ever-Changing Digital Marketing LandscapeIan Cleary made the move from just another tech guy to internationally renowned digital marketing thought leader. How he made that leap is a tale of technical know-how, Irish charm and just a bit of stalking at industry conferences.As a content marketing professional, I follow many thought leaders in that space. One of my favorites is Ian Cleary, whose Irish lilt is charming to my American ears and whose positive energy is contagious. He often evangelizes for digital marketing tools that make the lives of marketing folks like me much easier. Watching his livestream conversations on Periscope, broadcast from his home bro in Dublin, has become one of my favorite ways of learning new things about content marketing. Cleary is incredibly accessible and generous with his knowledge of social media and digital marketing.After years of working for technology companies in quali ty assurance, IT and RD roles, Cleary switched gears and quickly ascended to become a foremost figure at conferences like Content Marketing World. (You can read more about his personal story and how he created his company RazorSocial here.) He writes for Social Media Examiner, Entrepreneur and other major outlets. I wanted to know more about Clearys entrepreneurial story, so I gave him a call. Not surprisingly, he welches charming and gracious. Ill talk to anybody, he laughed.Yes I made the cutTCG There are a lot of social media and content marketing thought leaders out there - Mari Smith, Brian Fanzo and Joe Pulizzi to name a few - and youve established yourself as one of the best-known speakers and consultants. How did you do it?Ian Cleary My background is in software, managing software teams. I left and started consulting and doing project management, and then I just drifted into social media. With a background in technology and knowledge of social media, I researched all of th e top influencers in the industry, and I saw that most of them didnt have technology backgrounds. Most were journalists or traditional marketers, and they didnt really have a tight focus on the tech side. Thats why I initially focused my blog on social media tools, because it made mine the only site focused on that kind of thing, and it resonated with people. I understand technology and architecture and frameworks and coding practices and all that sort of stuff.Beyond the blog, I really concentrated on the relationship side. I identified 100 experts - people like Mark Schaefer, Jay Baer, Kim Garst and Mike Stelzner - and I said, Im going to build relationships with unterstellung people because I know then I can get up on stage and speak at top digital marketing conferences. I created a Twitter list, interacted with them regularly and followed them to conferences in the U.S. But I didnt go to any of the sessions I stood out in the corridor to just network and meet people. I found t hat speakers at these events stood in the hallways before their talks, and I could chat with them there.In these discussions, I always looked at how I could help them. Could I write content for them? Could I promote their content? Could I give them advice on tools or tech? Over time, I became friends with Mark Schaefer and I got a lucky break to speak at his conference. Once you speak at one conference, then its easier to get the next one and the next one, and it just grew from there. Now were starting to evolve the RazorSocial site over to marketing tech and not just pure social media tools. We want to take people from building an audience on social media to driving traffic to their site and then converting at the end.Im sure at some of these conferences youre lining up consulting business that keeps you busy the rest of the year. Yeah, exactly. We have some clients that come to Ireland as well. Were doing a lot of work with a large global organization at the moment. They have arou nd 120 offices around the world. One of their representatives asked me, Hey Ian, would you do some social media training for our staff?They have Facebook pages with millions of fans already, so I said, Why did you choose us?He replied, Well, Ive been reading your blog for six months and Ive binnenseen you speak at a conference.So, its at that point that people see you as a thought leader. They like your content and it becomes a very easy selling process.For people who are considering social media and/or content marketing as a career, what advice do you have to offer?The first thing I would do is build your personal brand. When youre going into new positions and new companies, people will ask, What is your personal brand? What is your audience? Whos listening to you? Your starting point is having a really good LinkedIn profile, but also probably your own website and blog. Youre demonstrating your expertise and building your audience. So, as you move between companies, you already hav e an audience you bring with you.You specialize in introducing people to wonderful social media tools. How do you discover all of them?Because people know that Im the techie guy, I get emails on a regular basis from companies that create these tools. And because Im writing content about tools and tech, people in the comments section of my blog mention tools to check out. Or Im doing a podcast and someone tells me about a tool theyre using. As a specialist in that area, recommendations come from many directions. If friends hear of a new tool, they think, Well, Ians the tool guy. Im going to send him an email and ask if he knows about it.Im always on the lookout Im reading and watching for what other tools or technical solutions people are coming up with. I recently wrote an article for LinkedIn Pulse about social media technology trends for 2016, and at the end of it I asked, What do you think is going to happen? That will lead to more ideas.Many companies today are dealing with a br oad range of digital marketing tools and struggling to identify which ones meet their needs. What is the best way for them to do that?Its very challenging. If you want to implement an email automation tool, there are easily 30 to 40 tools you should evaluate. Then you must tease out all the differences in functionality. A lot of times, thats not explained clearly in the product description so its hard to do a comparison. You end up having to pick one, install it, test it on your own system, etc.Because of this difficulty, I think you need to get some external help for an investment in expensive tools. You need someone with the expertise in implementing these tools across different organizations. Even if there isnt a big, expensive upfront cost, theres a big cost in implementing the tool, changing your work processes, retraining your staff, getting up to speed and learning from all the mistakes that commonly occur with a new tool.The more complex the tool, the more youre probably goi ng to need external help unless you have someone on your team with extensive experience implementing these tools across different environments. A lot of these tool providers are good at selling their products, so you cant solely go by the messages on their websites to make your decision. You may be convinced by their oben liegend copywriting skills that this is an amazing tool for you, but it may not be the right tool at all. There may be another tool that would drive much better results for you.It seems like there are companies that are acquiring digital marketing tools but not thinking very strategically about how to use them. What are some common strategy-related mistakes you see?People selecting a new tool need to evaluate the range of tools and get down to a short list. Then they need to test the tools within their environment. Then, when they adopt the tool, they need to implement a proper rollout plan. Once youve acquired a tool, its not over. Thats the starting point.You nee d to work out your processes and educate your employees because a lot of times companies will buy a tool, then end up using only 25 percent of its functionality. There needs to be an evaluation of processes so companies can get the best use out of that tool. Without that process in place, youre buying a very expensive tool because it has a good name - but youre just not getting the full benefit.Facebook has become a pay-to-play channel. Its difficult to get into their news feed with organic content. If other channels like LinkedIn and Twitter have success in monetizing the news feed, then will the job of social media manager essentially become social advertising manager?Absolutely. Unless you have super-viral content on Facebook, youre not going to get on the news feed organically. They decided, Lets filter the content, so you end up seeing a small amount.On Twitter, they dont filter so you have the other extreme The vast majority of people dont see your content because theres so m uch of it. So, the only way to get people to see your content there is if you aggressively share and reshare the same content. You have to do that. Unfortunately, a lot of companies are not seeing success with Twitter ads. If you want people to see your content as they do on Facebook, you really should be advertising. For Twitter, the problem is that advertising is expensive. So, when they get that right, then more people will advertise on Twitter. If I send an organic tweet right now, 95 percent of my audience doesnt see it. So what is the difference between Twitter and Facebook? Most people wont see it anyway. So, yes, I think social advertising skills are extremely important.That may be disappointing news for people who love managing social media but arent interested in advertising.There are a couple of different sides to social media. Theres the one side where as a content marketer youre sharing content, you want people to click on it and come to your site. Thats becoming increa singly challenging without paying money to these providers. The other side is connecting with people all over the world, building relationships. You can connect with people and businesses relevant to your brand. For example, on Twitter I can do a search now for planning a trip to Dublin, so anybody who is on Twitter talking about an upcoming trip to Dublin, I can say to them, Hey, come to my restaurant or hotel. There are plenty of opportunities to reach out and identify relevant conversations and people, and develop those relationships, partnerships and selling opportunities.Influencer marketing is an increasingly popular practice these days. What do you think are the best ways for brands to identify and engage with influencers?Theres a good range of tools to identify the influencers. You can track them yourself if youre a small business. You can use a tool like Twitonomy, which allows you to find out who a person is talking to on a regular basis. Thats a way to identify influencer s one by one. Or you can use a tool like Traackr, which is all about identifying and engaging with influencers. So it helps to identify the different communities the influencers are involved in, and which are relevant to you. Then you can produce your master list and use the tool to reach out and interact with these people. There are plenty of good tools out there.Your audience is largely marketing and communications professionals who often rely on IT to bring these strategies to life. In your consulting work, is collaboration between these functions typically a problem area?On the marketing side, youve typically got more non-technical people. From the technical side, theyre not the creative people. Whats interesting is that the skills you need as a marketer are a cross of the two. You need to have the creative side, new and interesting campaign ideas, but its moving more and more toward the technical employees. The technical people are getting away with building online sales funnel s and not having as many creative skills. A mix of both skills is important, but its hard to find that.Ive seen it in software companies Ive worked with. Technical guys hate marketing they think its useless and a waste of time. The marketing guys hate the technical guys because they want the project done next week and the developers are saying its impossible and wont be delivered for six months. So there was always that marketing-tech stuff, and now its interesting that digital marketing is so much about tech. And thats why we attract marketing people who want those tech skills.Has Ian Cleary got you thinking about evaluating your digital marketing strategy and team? Check out our Guide to Digital Marketing Strategies Staffing.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Resume Ideas

Resume Ideas Resume at a Glance Resume Planet is regarded as one of the most dependable sources for resumes at affordable prices. Once your resume is finished, Ill send you a completely free in-depth study on the best regions to send your resume to find the interviews you desire. Infographic resumes appear nice, but you also have to be concerned about applicant tracking system computer software. Everything in your resume needs to be simple to read and simple to comprehend. Update your resume regularly It is a great concept to update your resume on a normal basis. One particular special feature given by Resume Writers Service is that if youre a returning customer, you can find any services for half off the normal price. The program contains a spell-checker, but it lacks an integrated thesaurus to assist you vary your word choices. The Nuiances of Resume There are scores and scores of Jobseekers wanting precisely the saatkorn job that you d o. Recruits we hire also need to pass a test to demonstrate they can satisfy our exacting standards. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. Resume builders are offered from some services. It is possible to have a paragraph under the heading Other expert experience if you desire so that you may mention earlier work of specific interest or relevance. In truth, it might not have dates whatsoever, but you must be listed in order of relevance instead. Youve got a little window of time to have the interest of a hiring manager so brevity and focus is important. Know the purpose of your resume Some people today write a resume as though the use of the document was supposed to land work. You can better your likelihood of getting interviews by composing specific resumes for various companies. An interview could also be needed to land the job, but a resume is imperative to begin the approach. A work search is a tough procedu re, so candidates need professional and timely support. Though you might not have a work history or lengthy collection of impressive degrees, you can definitely find something to include. For that reason, it is a price of the work hund process worth paying. If you are able to explain the way that it will benefit his company, and to connect it to tangible effects, then youll really boost your chances. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is demonstrated to elevate your opportunity of scoring a work simply is logical. Attempt to know the market of the organization you are asking for work, and identify what sort of difficulties they could be going through. Getting the Best Resume You want to switch fields. Where To Get Additional Help There are lots of sources of information about how to compose the best resume. When you have written and organized your information according to the kind of resume youve chosen, make sure to format it a ccording to typical professional standards. Your information is wholly secure. A Career Overview should supply the reader with a fast preview of what he or shes going to see in your resume. The plan below ought to help you produce a resume thats easy to read and packed with facts employers wish to know. Employers want to learn what youre likely to do for them.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Improve Team Collaboration to Reduce Turnover - Spark Hire

Improve Team Collaboration to Reduce Turnover - Spark HireMany managers dont fully understand the importance of creating a sense of community within the office. When your employees feel connected to one another, theyre more likely to work harder and stay with the company for longer. In an office environment where everyone only looks out for their own best interest, its easy to begin to feel burnt out. To keep your employees collaborating well, thus reducing turnover, try these strategies Make sure everyone is on the same page.Your employees should know what is expected of them on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. They should also have a solid understanding of what their co-workers are up to each day. When people are unsure of the roles that other kollektiv members fill, it can lead to miscommunication. When youre making a new hire, your veteran employees should understand this persons role, as well as their short and long-term goals.Create goals for the whole team.While its great t o give individual employees goals to work towards, you also want to make sure that everyone is working together towards larger goals in order to promote a real sense of co-operation within the office. When people get too focused on their own tasks and accomplishments, it can create a cutthroat nature. However when everyone in your office is working together to achieve success, youll see a real sense of workplace camaraderie develop.Get to know each other outside of the office.While office happy hours may seem frivolous, theyre actually highly valuable when youre looking to improve the sense of unity that exists within your company. Its hard to keep employees working as a cohesive unit when they dont know their co-workers well. However when they begin to see these individuals as friends, its likely that theyll become more invested in the work theyre doing, as well as the people with whom theyre doing it.Put employees in roles where theyll shine.Dont pigeon hole your employees if you want to reduce turnover. If someone has a passion for video editing, let them find a way to use this skill to help the company, even if its not technically in their job description. When employees are allowed to explore their strengths and work together to develop new initiatives within the office, theyll feel much more engaged.How do you foster a collaborative environment within your workplace? Share with us in the comments