Saturday, May 23, 2020

The 10 Strangest Things Candidates Have Done in Job Interviews

The 10 Strangest Things Candidates Have Done in Job Interviews Wed all love to walk into a job interview cool as a cucumber and wow our interviewer with our natural air of confidence  and charisma; however for a lot of us this vision  is something of a dream, as the mere thought of an interview brings us out in a cold sweat. A lot hangs on the success of a job interview, so its understandable that it can be a stressful experience. From worrying that we havent prepared enough, to panicking about the interviewer not liking us, there are countless  factors that can turn us into a nervous wreck and nerves can make us do strange things. Perhaps not usually as strange as this though CareerBuilder have released a new list of some of the strangest things that recruiters have experienced candidates do in a job interview. Heres what topped the list: Candidate took a family photo off of the interviewer’s desk and put it into her purse. Candidate started screaming that the interview was taking too long. Candidate said her main job was being a psychic/medium and tried to read interviewer’s palm, despite interviewer’s attempts to decline the offer. When asked what her ideal job was, candidate said “painter of bird houses.” (Company was hiring for a data entry clerk.) Candidate sang her responses to questions. Candidate put lotion on her feet during the interview. When asked why he wanted the position, candidate replied, “My wife wants me to get a job.” Candidate started feeling interviewer’s chest to find a heartbeat so they could “connect heart to heart.” Candidate had a pet bird in her shirt. Candidate took phone interview in the bathroom â€" and flushed. Image: Shutterstock

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